Gulf Wind Technology hosted a break-out event for Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) Regional Roundtable participants to tour our site and discuss ‘Offshore Wind Opportunity in Louisiana’. The GWT team highlighted the OFW supply chain opportunities that exist at Avondale Global Gateway as well as the programs we have underway for both engaging workforce and technical innovation for complex wind environments, as part of our ‘Shell Gulf Wind Technology Accelerator’ program. A superb event and we look forward to further engagement with C2ES in the future!

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) Regional Roundtables are a series of roundtables to elevate the perspectives of a diverse set of stakeholders deeply embedded in their communities and uniquely positioned to speak to the needs of their states and regions. They are also meant to create opportunities to integrate local perspectives into state and federal policy contexts and, importantly, identify concrete steps to better align the long-term vitality of these communities with the urgent task of facilitating economy-wide decarbonization.